人教版七年级下册Unit 2What time do you go to school 单元教案(表格式,打包6份)

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人教版七年级下册Unit 2What time do you go to school 单元教案(表格式,打包6份)

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教 案教学基本信息学科 English 学段 初中 年级 七年级单元 Unit 2 课题 What time do you go to school 总课 时数 6课时 Section A 1a-1c 课型 听说课 授课 时间教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: learn to talk about routines. 2. learn to ask and answer What time questions. 3. learn to ask about and say times.教学重点: Key vocabulary: up, dress, brush, tooth, shower, usually, forty. get up, get dressed, take a shower,brush teeth, have breakfast, go to school. 2. Key sentences: a. -What time do you usually get up b. -I usually get up at six thirty. c. -What time do you usually take a shower, Rick d. -I usually take a shower at six forty. 3. Structure: a. 6:05 five past six 8:10 ten past eight b. 9:50 ten to ten 2:58 two to three教学难点: Learn how to ask the time and express the time.教学过程(表格描述)教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图Step 1 Warming-up (PPT 3-7) Look at the picture and learn the new words and the verb phrases. Read the new words and the verb phrases. 3. Play a guessing game and learn the words: clock. Have a free talk about helping others. 4. Look at the people and know more about helping others. 5. Lead in 1a. 通过出示一些图片,学习一些新单词,阅读这些单词和短语。引出主题句,导入1a。Step 2 Presentation (PPT 8-15) Show the pictures and know the time of the clock. Learn how to ask and answer the time. -What time is it -It’s eleven fifteen. Show the time and practice the sentences. -What time do you usually get up -I usually get up at six thirty. Work on 1a. Match the words with the pictures. 5. Practice the phrases and make sentences. 观察图片中的时钟,学会时间表达法。学会询问时间和描述时间。 根据图片学习询问动作经常发生的时间。 将1a的短语和图片连接起来,并读这些句子。Step 3 Listening (PPT 16) Work on 1b. Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures. 2. Read the verb phrases and time phrases. 3. Read the sentences. 听听力,完成1b。 将活动与时间连接起来。读这些句子,熟练掌握表达时间的短语。Step 4 Practice (PPT 17-18 ) Work on 1c. Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Rick. Ask and answer questions about Rick’s day. 2. Work in pairs and practice the conversation. A: What time do you usually ... B: I usually ... at.... What about you 3.Ask several pairs to present their conversations in class. 听1b后以对话形式练习句型和时间表示。通过对话练习吸引学生的兴趣;练习过程中强调动词一般现在时用法。Step 5 Language points (PPT 19-24) 1. Explain the usage of what time/when .... 2. Explain how to express time. 讲解本单元的语言点what time/when的用法以及小时、分钟的表达法。Step 6 Exercises (PPT 25-27) Show some exercises to practice the key words and the target language. 通过词型填空和完成句子等形式练习所学的重点内容。让学生能够复习运用动词的原形和单三用法。Step 7 中考链接 (PPT 28) Choose the exercise to practice the usage of at. 选择介词at表达时间的用法作中考真题练习,引导学生学习。Step 8 Homework (PPT 29) 1.Write the words and phrases of 1a. 2. Listen to 1b. 3. Practise the time of 1a. 让学生能够复习本课所学的知识点,以及培养学生的预习能力。板书设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A (1a-1c) 1.up, dress, brush, teeth, shower, usually, forty. get up, get dressed, take a shower,brush teeth, have breakfast, go to school. 2. a. -What time is it b. -It’s six thirty. c. -What time do you usually take a shower, Rick d. -I usually take a shower at six forty. 3. a. 6:05 five past six 8:10 ten past eight b. 9:50 ten to ten 2:58 two to three教学反思 本节听说课,以听说习惯性动作和时间表达为主。以熟练询问和回答时间表达为主题。 2. 练习过程要提醒学生本节课听力难点为时间表示法。教 案教学基本信息学科 英语 学段 初中 年级 七年级单元 Unit 2 课题 What time do you go to school 总课时数 6课时 Section A Grammar-3c 课型 语法课 授课时间教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: learn to ask and answer What time- questions. learn to ask about and say times. learn to use adverbs of frequency.教学重点: 1.Key vocabulary: best, group, on weekends 2. Key sentences: a. What time do you usually get up b. I usually get up at six thirty. c. What time does Rick eat breakfast d.He eats breakfast at seven o’clock. e. When does Scott go to work f. He always goes to work at eleven o’clock. 3. Structure a.When-question b.What time- question c. always /usually/ often教学难点: Learn to ask and answer When and What time questions.教学过程(表格描述)教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图Step 1 Revision (PPT 3) Review the phrases and the sentences of last class. -What time do you usually get up -I usually get up at six thirty. Lead in Grammar Focus. 复习所学的短语和句型,总结句型的构成,导入语法聚焦。Step 2 Presentation (PPT 4) 1.Show Grammar Focus. 2.Ask one student to read the sentences. 3. Ask the students to find the main structures in GF. 4.Explain the usage of always, usually or never. 5.Learn how to ask and answer the time, use the frequency words. 学习语法聚焦里面的语法点,如何询问时间或者回答时间,如何用频率副词表达作息时间的频率等,同时还要强调动词的三单形式。Step 3 Complete 3a-3b (PPT 5-7) Work on 3a. Write answers or questions. Use always, usually or never. 2. Read the sentences in 3a. 4. Sum up the usage of always, usually or never. 5. Work on 3b. Write about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do. 6. Read the sentences in 3b and write down the sentences. 根据3a的问答题,用always,usually或者never回答问题或者提出问题。巩固一般现在时的语法。Step 4 Pair work (PPT 8-9) 1.Work on 3c. Interview three of your classmates. Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the class. -What time do you exercise -I usually exercise at eight o’clock. 2.Work in pairs and give the report to the class. In our group, Li Fei usually gets up late on weekends, she gets up at.... 3. Sum up the usage of do/ does. 完成3c,熟练运用When 和What time疑问句。 给表格提供的内容进行调查,然后汇报调查的结果,将所学的语法内容学以致用。练习过程中提醒学生需要特别注意动词单三形式。Step 5 Language points (PPT 10-15) Explain the frequency words: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom,never 主要解释了频率副词在一定时间内动作发生的次数。Step 6 Exercises (PPT 16-19) Show some exercises to practice the grammar. 通过选词填空、完成对话、翻译句子的形式练习所学的语法点。Step 7 中考链接 (PPT 20) Choose the exercise to practice when. 本部分设计主要精选when询问时间的中考题,引导学生学习过程与中考链接。Step 8 Homework (PPT 21) 1. Remember the words and phrases. 2. Write answers to the questions in 3a. 3. Interview your classmates about their time schedule. 设计该作业主要使学生们熟练掌握单词和短语,利用采访的形式练习what time和when句型。板书设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 1. best, group, on weekends a. What time do you usually get up b. I usually get up at six thirty. c. What time does Rick eat breakfast d.He eats breakfast at seven o’clock. e. When does Scott go to work f. He always goes to work at eleven o’clock. 3. a.When-question b.What time- question c. always /usually/ often教学反思 1.本节语法课主要学习动词的一般现在时、When-and What time-对时间进行提问以及动作频率的表达法。 2.本语法对于初一的学生来说比较难,应该通过各种形式巩固练习。教 案教学基本信息学科 英语 学段 初中 年级 七年级单元 Unit 2 课题 What time do you go to school 总课时数 6课时 Section B 3a-Self check. 课型 写作课 授课时间教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: learn to draw a mind map. learn to write about daily routines.教学重点: Key vocabulary: life get home from school, have a very healthy life, at a quarter to twelve, have good teeth,after eating, have time to do 2.Key sentences: a. Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. b. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. c. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. d. Here are your clothes. 3. Structures a. I + usually/often + verb phrases + at + .... b. After that/ then/ ....教学难点: Learn how to write a passage about the writer’s daily routine.教学过程(表格描述)教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图Step 1 Warming-up (PPT 3) 1. Have a chant and review the expressions and sentences. 2. Lead in 3a. 朗读这个顺口溜,复习短语和句子。导入3a。Step 2 Presentation (PPT 4) Work on 3a. Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine. Tell the story about the writer’s daily routine. 将句子按照故事发生的顺序排序,然后描述作者日常作息的故事。读这个故事,为3b的写作提供一个范文。Step 3 Writing (PPT 5-6) Work on 3b. Write about your own daily routine. 2. Show the following expressions and the sentences: I + usually/often + verb phrases + at + .... 3. Read the writing guide and think it over. 运用3b所给的重点的句子结构、写作指导,以及自己的作息习惯,熟练运用本单元的句型写出短文。通过写作,培养学生的书面表达能力。Step 4 Pairwork (PPT 7) 1. Show the writing model. 2. Show one of the good passages to other students. 3. Analyzes the good sentences and correct the errors. 写作过后,从班内找出范文进行讲评。Step 5 Self check (PPT 8-11) 1. Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences. 2. Complete the conversations with the questions and answers. Use the words in brackets to help you. 3. Check the answers and read them. 综合检测学生对本单元的词汇及语法的掌握。特别强调动词单三的用法。Step 6 Exercises (PPT 12-19) Practice the language points by doing these exercises. 通过英汉互译、完成句子、句型转换、补全对话、单项选择等形式练习所学的语言点。Step 7 Homework (PPT 20) 根据表格提示,以My day为题,写一写自己周六的活动安排。 跑步6:30 a.m.看电视1: 00 p.m.吃早饭7:00 a.m.做作业3: 00 p.m.购物9:00 a.m.做家务5: 00 p.m.吃午饭12:00 p.m.吃晚饭6: 00 p.m.本节课是一个写作课,所以布置的作业也与写作相关的。板书设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B(3a-Self check)教学反思 1.本课时引导学生写作自己的作息习惯,并熟练运用本单元所学的句式结构。 2.在学生写作时,学生特别容易犯的错误是汉式结构多,特别是谓语动词和时间位置颠倒。教师应该提醒学生。教 案教学基本信息学科 English 学段 初中 年级 七年级单元 Unit 2 课题 What time do you go to school 总课时数 6课时 Section B 2a-2c 课型 阅读课 授课时间教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: read the passage about the daily routines of Tony and Mary. learn to distinguish healthy habits from unhealthy habits.教学重点: Key vocabulary: quickly, either, sometimes,lot, taste. either...or..., lots of. Key sentences: a. I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. b. When I get home, I always do my homework first. c. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. d. She knows it’s not good for her. 3. Structure a. When...,.... b. either... or... c. be good for/ be bad for教学难点: Learn to understand 2b and master the key sentences.教学过程(表格描述)教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图Step 1 Warming-up (PPT 3-6) 1. Look at the pictures and review the times and activities. 2. Work in pairs and review the sentences. 利用生动的图片复习关于日常活动已经发生的时间,复习when句型以及问答导入2a。Step 2 Presentation (PPT 7) Work on 2a. Check (√ ) the activities you think are healthy. Read the healthy activities. Lead in 2b. 勾画出你认为健康的活动。阅读这些健康的活动,导入2b课文。Step 3 Pre-reading (PPT 8-11 ) Fast reading Work on 2b. Read the passage. Find the answers to the questions. a. Who is healthier, Tony or Mary b. When does Tony go to bed c. When does Mary go to bed 2. Read and decide who we should learn from. 阅读2b回答问题。之后判断应该向谁学习好的习惯。Step 4 While-reading (PPT 12-13) Careful reading. Read Para1 and fill in the blanks about Tony’s habits. Read Para2 and fill in the blanks about Mary’s habits. Read the activities and pay attention to verb forms in order. 本部分是课文细读部分。每读完一段都要完成相应的任务,以检测对文章的理解。通过问题设计,让学生带着问题阅读,以引导学生深入理解课文细节,提高他们的英语阅读能力以及解决问题的能力。Step 5 Post-reading (PPT 14 -15) Work on 2c. Write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them. Write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them. Read the phrases and sentences. Write them down. 这是阅读的输出环节。此处设计使学生学会判断好习惯和坏习惯,进而培养学生养成健康生活习惯。Step 6 Language points (PPT16-23) 1. Explain the usage of quickly, either... or..., be good/bad for, taste. 2. Ask the students to read them. 解决本节课的难点: quickly, either... or..., be good/bad for, taste.让学生进行总结,使学生学会把握本节课的重点。Step 7 Exercises (PPT 24-29) Show some exercises to practice the key vocabulary, the key sentences and structures. 通过短语翻译、补全对话以及完成句子等形式练习所学的重点词汇和结构。Step 8 中考链接 (PPT30-32) Choose some exercises of taste,either, be bad for. 挑选taste,as good as,either, be bad for等一些中考题,以提醒学生了解中考考点。Step 9 Homework (PPT 33) 1.Read 2b and complete 2c. 2.Listen to 2b and write down the phrases. 3.Talk with your partner about your healthy and unhealthy habits in daily life. 熟练掌握所学的知识,培养学生的读写能力。板书设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B (2a-2c) 1. quickly, either, sometimes,lot, taste. either...or..., lots of. 2. a. I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. b. When I get home, I always do my homework first. c.In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. d. She knows it’s not good for her. 3. a. When...,.... b. either... or... c. be good for/ be bad for教学反思 本节阅读课要引导学生在阅读前、阅读中以及阅读后完成不同的任务,以促进对文章的深入理解。 强调较难的结构:a. When...,.... b. either... or... c. be good for/ be bad for 3. 教学过程中要注意培养学生懂得如何养成良好的生活习惯。教学基本信息学科 English 学段 初中 年级 七年级单元 Unit 2 课题 What time do you go to school 总课时数 6课时 Section A 2a-2d 课型 阅读课 授课时间教 案教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: 1.learn to ask and answer What time questions. 2.learn to ask about and say times. 3.learn to use adverbs of frequency.教学重点: 1.Key vocabulary: never, early, fifty, job, work, station, o'clock, night, funny, exercise radio station 2.Key sentences: a.What time do you usually get up b. I usually get up at five fifty. c. He works at a radio station. d. When do you go to work e. I’m never late for work. 3.Structures: a. ....do/does... b. from...to... c. at + hour + minutes d.be late for....教学难点: Listen to and express the daily routines.教学过程(表格描述)教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图Step 1 Lead-in (PPT 3-12) Look at the time and review how to ask time and express time. Look at the pictures and review the conversations: -What time is it -It’s seven thirty. 3. Have a free talk: a. -What time do you usually get dressed b. -I usually get dressed at six fifty. 复习时间表达法以及如何询问和表达时间。根据图片自由谈论自己的作息习惯。导入2a。Step 2 Listening (PPT 13-15) Work on 2a. Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. Check answers in class and read the passage. Work on 2b. Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jim’s family. Read the time and the shower schedule. 5. Work in pairs and practice it. -What time does Bob take a shower -He takes a shower at 5:30. 听完2a和2b后,完成相应的听力任务;进行小组合作,练习听力的内容。此处特别提醒同学们注意三单形式。Step 3 Pair work (PPT 16-17) 1. List your time schedule. 2. Work on 2c. Now talk about yourself. -What time do you usually get up -I usually get up at five fifty. 3. Work in pairs. 列出自己的作息时间表。创造真实的语言环境,进行小组合作问答,使学生能由听到说,学以致用。 S1:... S2:...Step 4 Role-play (PPT 18-23) Work on 2d. Listen to the conversation in 2d. Answer the questions. 1. Where does Scott work 2. Does he eat breakfast in the morning or at night 2. Role-play the conversation.Ask several pairs to present in class. 3. Read the conversation in 2d. Fill in the blanks. 4. Read again and fill in the blanks in the passage. 5. Read the passage and pay attention to the verbs’ forms. 分角色朗读2d并回答相关问题。 读2d后, 完成相应的练习题,检测学生对本对话内容的掌握情况及对语言的综合运用能力。由听说到分角色表演,逐步培养学生的听说和表达能力。Step 5 Language points (PPT 24-29) Explain the language points and ask the ss to read them. Point out the usages of the following. 1. job/work 2. time 3. exercise 4. station 5.get to 通过学生听说,使学生加深对重难点理解,培养他们的独立思维能力。理解并熟练运用这些词语: 1. job/work 2. time 3. exercise 4. station 5. get toStep 6 Exercises (PPT 30-35) Practice the language points by doing these exercises. 通过选词填空、句型转换等形式练习所学的语言点。Step7 中考链接 (PPT 36) Choose the exercise to practice the usage of never. 本部分设计主要精选never的用法,引导学生学习过程与中考链接。Step 8 Homework (PPT37) 1.Read 2d after class. 2.Listen to 2a. 3.Write your time schedule. 使学生们对课文的熟练掌握,并从文章中学会描述日常作息习惯。板书设计 What time do you go to school? Section A(2a-2d) 1. never, early, fifty, job, work, station, radio station, o'clock, night, funny, exercise. 2. a.What time do you usually get up b. I usually get up at five fifty. c. He works at a radio station. d. When do you go to work e. I’m never late for work. 3. a. ....do/does... b. from...to... c. at + hour + minutes d. be late for....教学反思 1.本节听说课学生应会表达时间、描述日常作息习惯。 2.通过完成本节课听说练习,逐步培养学生的技能,引导学生养成良好的生活习惯。 3. 听力和表达过程,提醒学生注意三单形式,这是听力和口语中的难点。教学基本信息学科 English 学段 初中 年级 七年级单元 Unit 2 课题 What time do you go to school 总课时数 6课时 Section B 1a-1e 课型 听说课 授课时间教 案教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: learn to ask and answer When questions using adverbs of frequency. learn to listen and write the time.教学重点: Key vocabulary: half, past, quarter, homework, run, clean, walk do my homework, take a walk Key sentences: When do students usually eat dinner They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. When does Tom usually get up He usually gets up at half past five. Structure a. at 6:30= at six thirty = at thirty past six=at half past six b. at 3:15= at three fifteen = at fifteen past three=at a quarter past three教学难点: 1.Learn to talk about daily routines. 2.Learn to ask and say times.教学过程(表格描述)教学环节 主要教学活动 设置意图Step 1 Warming-up (PPT3-8) 1. Show some pictures and learn to express the time. 2. Practice asking and answering what time-/ when- question. 3. Review how to ask about and say times. Pay attention to the frequency words. 复习表达时间的单词、短语和句型。朗读这些句子,熟练掌握关于时间的问答。根据图片描述日常作息习惯,导入1a。Step 2 Pre-listening (PPT9-12) Work on 1a. Match the activities with the time of day. Read the sentences and pay attention to the sounds of time phrases. Practice other activities. 4.Work on 1b. Check your answers with your partner. 5. Show more pictures. Work in pairs and practice them. -When do students usually eat dinner -They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. 将1a表达活动的短语与时间短语连接起来。而后组成句子并朗读。小组合作练习1b句型。阅读这些句子。为1c的听力奠定话题基础。Step 3 While-listening (PPT 13-14) Work on 1c. Listen and circle the activities you hear. Read the phrases aloud. Work on 1d. Listen again. Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c. Check the answers and read them. Read the sentences about the activities and times. 听过两遍听力后,学生能完成相应的听力任务,阅读这些句子。通过训练,使学生了解Tom的作息规律。提醒学生在听写时间时要专注听准确。听记时间是难度比较大的一个听力练习。Step 4 Post-listening (PPT 15) 1.Work on 1e. Ask and answer questions about Tom. 2. Work in pairs and practice the information 1c and 1d. A: When does Tom usually get up B: He usually gets up at half past five.... 3. Ask some pairs to show their conversations. 口语展示环节。创造真实的语言环境,以提高学生口语表达能力。鼓励基础差点的同学参考教材上的图片练习。Step 5 Exercises (PPT 16-21) Show some exercises to practice the key vocabulary, the key sentences and structures. 通过介词填空、补全对话以及完成句子等形式练习所学的重点词汇、句型和结构。Step 6 Homework (PPT 22) 1. Listen to 1c and write down the phrases. 2. Talk about your friend's habits and write a story about your friend. 熟练掌握所学的知识,培养学生的概括能力。板书设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B (1a-1e) 1. half, past, quarter, homework, run, clean, walk. do my homework, take a walk. 2. a.When do students usually eat dinner b.They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. c.When does Tom usually get up d. He usually gets up at half past five. 3. a. at 6:30= at six thirty = at thirty past six=at half past six b. at 3:15= at three fifteen = at fifteen past three=at a quarter past three教学反思 本节听说课以听辨时间为主。 2. 特别强调听辨thirteen/ thirty、fourteen/forty、fifteen/ fifty, 这是听力过程中比较难分辨的单词。






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